Dojo rules and etiquette

Some basic dojo rules are as follows:

  1. Karate begins with Rei and ends with Rei, Bow on entering and leaving the dojo.
    Students must bow and say OSU when entering and leaving the dojo.
  2. The instructor must always be called and addressed as Sensei in the dojo.
  3. OSU must be used as a means of acknowledgement at all times. The ‘Oss’ (pronounced oos) is a general answer and also a sign of respect and should be used in the following circumstances:
  4. No one should leave once a lesson has begun without the permission of the instructor.
  5. Any member arriving late should kneel at the door and wait for permission to join the class from the instructor. On receiving permission the student should bow and join the class.
  6. If students wish to leave the class early they must inform the instructor before training starts.
  7. Students must be respectful to fellow students and the Sensei at all times. If a student wishes to address a senior grade, they must use the term Sempai (senior).
  8. Personal hygiene is important. Students should make sure they are clean and do not embarrass and make life unpleasant for other students. Also finger and toenails should be kept clean and reasonably short.
  9. Upon receiving any advice or command from an instructor
    * When bowing at the start or finish of a lesson
    * When bowing to a partner before kumite
     * When an instructor enters the dojo.
     * Students who arrive late must warm up then wait in seiza (sitting) until the instructor allows them to join the class.
  10. No jewellery should be worn whilst training. Any that cannot be removed should be covered either by tape or plaster.
  11. Members should not smoke, swear, chew, spit or commit any other act, which may offend other students and instructors.
  12. One should avoid using one skills outside the dojo where possible.

Note these will become second nature in time, you are not expected to learn them all backward by next week!

  1. During your training you will hear mention of etiquette many times and you will probably ask yourself, why be so interested in good manners and etiquette? Answers to these questions are as follows:
  2. Karate is dangerous! People who are trying to punch and kick each other with as much speed and power as possible need to control to prevent serious injury. Control comes with the practice of control; this practice is encouraged by respect for your fellow students, without whom you would not be able to train.
  3. The other reason is not so practical but every bit as important. Karate is not just method of self-defence through its practice one can gain advantages in all parts of life. One of these benefits is the way we interact with other people; under normal circumstances if you treat people with respect they will treat you with respect.
  4. Having courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control and indomitable spirit is all part of good manners and good karate etiquette. These five principles should not only apply to one within the dojo, but outside the dojo at all times and when put into practise will reflect in your day to day life.

And don’t forget: The real secret of success is enthusiasm!

Grading Syllabus

Grading Syllabus

White White_Belt_A.jpg 10th Kyu
Red Red Belt 9th Kyu

10th Kyu – 9th Kyu
Kihon: From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan gamae
1. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan oi-zuki (step forward)
2. Zenkutsu-dachi Jodan Age-uke (step back)
3. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan oi-zuki (step forward)
4. Zenkutsu-dachi Chudan Soto-uke (step back)
5. Zenkutsu-dachi nihon mae-geri (step forward) (Two kicks with the same leg any height)
6. Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan Barai (step back)

Taikyoku Shodan – by count
– Sanbon-Kumite- by count: – 1 Jodan Oi-zuki
– 2 Chudan Oi-zuki)

8th Kyu – 7th Kyu

Yellow Yellow_Belt_A.jpg 8th Kyu
Orange Orange_Belt_A.jpg 7th Kyu

Kihon: From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan gamae
1. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan oi-zuki (step forward)
2. Zenkutsu-dachi Jodan Age-uke (step back)
3. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan oi-zuki (step forward)
4. Zenkutsu-dachi Chudan Soto-uke (step back)
5. Kokutsu-dachi chudan uchi-uke (step forward)
6. Kokutsu-dachi chudan shuto-uke (step back)
7. Zenkutsu-dachi nihon mae-geri (step forward) (Two kicks with the same leg jodan and chudan)
8. Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan Barai (step back)

– 8th Kyu: Heian Shodan – by count
– 7th Kyu: Heian Nidan – no count
– 8th Kyu:
– Sanbon-Kumite- by count:
– 1 Jodan Oi-zuki
– 2 Chudan Oi-zuki
– 7th Kyu:
– Sanbon-Kumite – no count:
– 1 Jodan Oi-zuki

– 2 Chudan Oi-zuki

6th Kyu

Green Green_Belt_A.jpg 6th Kyu

Kihon: From Zenkutsu- dachi Gedan gamae
1. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan oi-zuki (step forward)
2. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan age-uke (step back)
3. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan oi-zuki (step forward)
4. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan soto-uke (step back)
5. Kokutsu-dachi chudan uchi-uke (step forward)
6. Kokutsu-dachi chudan shuto-uke (step back)
7. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan mae-geri (step forward) ↵Mawatte
8. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan mae-geri (step back)
9. From Kiba-dachi nihon yoko-geri keage (step forward) (Two chudan sidekicks with same leg)  

Heian Sandan
Sanbon kumite:
Jodan, chudan, gedan:
1. Attacker announces jodan, chudan, gedan. First step attack Jodan, second step attack chudan, third step attack gedan.
2. Defender blocks using age-uke, soto-uke and gedan barai with gyakuzuki counter attack.

5th – Kyu

Blue Blue_Belt_A.jpg 5th Kyu

Kihon: From Zenkutsu- dachi Gedan gamae
1. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan oi-zuki ( step forward)
2. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan age-uke chudan gyaku-zuki (step back)
3. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan oi-zuki (step forward)
4. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan soto-uke chudan gyaku-zuki (step back)
5. Kokutsu-dachi chudan uchi-uke/ zenkutsu-dachi chudan gyaku-zuki (step forward)
6. Kokutsu-dachi chudan shuto-uke/zenkutsu-dachi – jodan  gyaku-nukite (Palm down) (step back)
7. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan mae-geri (step forward) Mawatte
8. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan mae-geri (step back)
9. From Kiba-dachi nihon yoko-geri keage (step forward) (Two chudan side snap kicks with same leg) ↵Mawatte
10. Kiba-dachi nihon yoko-geri kekomi (step back) (Two chudan sides thrust kicks with same leg)

Kata: Heian Yondan

Sanbon kumite Jodan, chudan, gedan:
1. Attacker announces jodan, chudan, gedan. First step attack Jodan,
second step attack chudan, third step attack gedan.
2. Defender blocks using age-uke gyaku-zuki, soto-uke gyaku-zuki, and
gedan barai gyaku-zuki counter attacks after each attack.

4th Kyu

Kihon: From Zenkutsu- dachi Gedan gamae

Purple Purple_Belt_A.jpg 4th Kyu

1. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan oi-zuki ( step forward)
2. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan age-uke chudan gyaku-zuki (step back)
3. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan oi-zuki (step forward)
4. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan soto-uke chudan gyaku-zuki (step back)
5. Kokutsu-dachi chudan uchi-uke/ zenkutsu-dachi chudan gyaku-zuki (step forward)
6. Kokutsu-dachi chudan shuto-uke/zenkutsu-dachi – jodan  gyaku-nukite (Palm down) (step back)
7. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan mae-geri (step forward) ↵Mawatte
8. Zenkutsu-dachi jodan mae-geri (step back)
9. From Kiba-dachi nihon yoko-geri keage (step forward) (Two chudan side snap kicks with same leg) ↵Mawatte
10. Kiba-dachi nihon yoko-geri kekomi (step back) (Two chudan sides thrust kicks with same leg)

Kata: Heian Godan

Kihon ippon kumite Jodan and chudan, mae-geri, kekomi: (right and left attacks):
1. One step attack to jodan using right arm, followed by same to chudan.
Then, same using left arm attacks.
2. Defender must block and counter, first using left blocks against right
attacks, and right blocks against left attacks.

3rd – Kyu

Brown Brown_Blet_A.jpg 3rd Kyu
Kihon: From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan gamae
1. Zenkutsu-dachi sanbon-zuki (step forward)
2. Kokutsu-dachi chudan uchi-uke/zenkutsu-dachi kizami-zuki chudan gyaku-zuki (step back)
3. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan soto-uke/kiba-dachi yoko-enpi uraken uchi. (step forward)
4. Kokutsu-dachi chudan shuto-uke/kizami mae-geri/zenkutsu-dachi jodan  gyaku-nukite (step back)
5. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan kizami mae-geri/jodan mae-geri (step forward) ↵Mawatte
6. Zenkutsu-dachi mawashi-geri (step back)
7. Kiba-dachi nihon yoko-geri keage (step forward)
(Two chudan side snap kicks with same leg) ↵Mawatte
8. From Kiba-dachi nihon yoko-geri kekomi (step back) (Two chudan side thrust kicks with same leg).
Kata: for 3rd Kyu Tekki Shodan

– Kihon ippon kumite Jodan, chudan, mae-geri, kekomi: (right and left attacks)

2nd – Kyu

Kihon: From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan gamae

2nd Kyu

1. Zenkutsu-dachi sanbon-zuki (step forward)
2. Kokutsu-dachi chudan uchi-uke/zenkutsu-dachi kizami-zuki chudan gyaku-zuki (step back)
3. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan soto-uke/kiba-dachi yoko-enpi uraken uchi. (step forward)
4. Kokutsu-dachi chudan shuto-uke/kizami mae-geri/zenkutsu-dachi jodan  gyaku-nukite (step back)
5. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan kizami mae-geri/jodan mae-geri (step forward) ↵Mawatte
6. Zenkutsu-dachi kizami mawashi-geri/mawashi-geri (step back)
7. Kiba-dachi jodan or chudan yoko-geri keage/chudan or gedan yoko – geri kekomi (step forward)
(same leg, two different heights)

Kata: for 2nd Kyu Bassai-dai

Jiyu ippon kumite:
1. Jodan, chudan, mae-geri, kekomi, mawashi-geri: (Favourite sides for
each attack. However, once annouced attacker cannot change sides).

1st – Kyu

Kihon: From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan gamae

1st Kyu

1. Zenkutsu-dachi sanbon-zuki (step forward)
2. Kokutsu-dachi chudan uchi-uke/zenkutsu-dachi kizami-zuki chudan
gyaku-zuki (step back)
3. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan soto-uke/kiba-dachi yoko-enpi uraken uchi. (step forward)
4. Kokutsu-dachi chudan shuto-uke/kizami mae-geri/zenkutsu-dachi
jodan  gyaku-nukite (step back)
5. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan kizami mae-geri/jodan mae-geri (step forward) ↵Mawatte
6. Zenkutsu-dachi kizami mawashi-geri/mawashi-geri (step back)
7. Kiba-dachi jodan or chudan yoko-geri keage/chudan or gedan yoko – geri kekomi (step forward)
(same leg, two different heights)

Kata: for 1st  Kyu Bassai-dai

Kumite: Jiyu kumite
1. Defensive free sparring.
2. Offensive free sparring


Kihon: From Zenkutsu-dachi Gedan gamae

Black Black_Belt_A.jpg 1st Dan

1. Zenkutsu-dachi sanbon-zuki (step forward)
2. Kokutsu-dachi chudan uchi-uke/zenkutsu-dachi kizami-zuki chudan gyaku-zuki (step back)
3. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan soto-uke/kiba-dachi yoko-enpi uraken uchi. (step forward)
4. Kokutsu-dachi chudan shuto-uke/kizami mae-geri/zenkutsu-dachi jodan  gyaku-nukite (step back)
5. Zenkutsu-dachi chudan kizami mae-geri/jodan mae-geri (step forward) ↵Mawatte
6. Zenkutsu-dachi mawashi-geri uraken-uchi gyaku-zuki (step back)
7. Kiba-dachi jodan or chudan yoko-geri keage/ chudan or gedan yoko – geri kekomi (step forward)
(same leg, two different heights)

1. Examinee: one kata from Group 2:
Sentei kata (Tekki Nidan, Tekki Sandan, Bassai-Dai, Kanku-Dai, Jutte).
2. Examiner: one kata from Group 1:
Shitei kata (Heian shodan to Heian godan or Tekki shodan).
3. Examinee: Heian shodan traditional bunkai.

Jiyu kumite:
1. One opponent two minutes


Black Black_Belt_A.jpg 2ndDan

Kihon: From Kamae

1. Zenkutsu-dachi kizami-zuki sanbon-zuki/kamae ryu (step forward)
2. Zenkutsu-dachi kizami-zuki/kokutsu-dachi chudan uchi- uke/ zenkutsu-dachi kizami-zuki chudan gyaku-zuki/kamae ryu.  (step back)
3. Zenkutsu-dachi kizami-zuki/zenkutsu-dachi chudan soto-uke/kiba-dachi yoko-enpi uraken-uchi gyaku-zuki/kamae ryu. (step forward)
4. Zenkutsu-dachi kizami-zuki/kokutsu-dachi chudan shuto-uke/kizami mae-geri/zenkutsu-dachi jodan  gyaku-nukite/kamae ryu.  (step back)
5. Chudan kizami mae-geri/ jodan mae-geri gyaku-zuki/ kamae ryu  (step forward) ↵Mawatte
6. Kizami mawashi-geri/mawashi-geri uraken-uchi gyaku-zuki/ kamae ryu(step back)
7. Kiba-dachi hidari yoko-geri keage/migi yoko-geri kekomi (step forward)
8. Kamae ryu jodan kizami-zuki(step back)/ zenkutsu-dachi jodan age-uke (step back) mawashi-geri uraken-uchi oi-zuki (step forward)/kamae ryu.
1. Examinee: one kata from Group 3:
Tokui kata (Hangetsu, Enpi, Gankaku, Jion, Bassai-Sho).
2. Examiner: one kata from Group 2:
Tokui kata (Tekki Nidan, Tekki Sandan, Bassai-Dai, Kanku-Dai, Jutte)..
3. Examinee: Heian nidan traditional bunkai.

Jiyu kumite:
Two opponents two minutes each with rest between matches.
1. 40 years and older (masters age), jiyu kumite or self-defence.
2. Self-defence from standing position must show ability to sense attack accurately, and use basic techniques with power, speed, sharpness and ki. Attack degree angles: 0 (right side), 45, 90 (front), 135 180 (left side), 225, 270, 315, 360.
3. Defender shall stand in yoi without moving, except at onset of attack.
Defender may turn head only to face attacker at 0 degree to 180 degree angles (right to left). Defend by sight. At angles (back) 225 to 315, attacker shall only apply chokes, grabs, or bear hugs. React to touch.


Kihon: From Kamae ryu



3rd Dan

1. kamae ryu / Jodan oi-zuki (step forward)/kamae ryu, (step back) yori-ashi (step forward) yori-ashi gyaku-zuki/ kamae ryu zenkutsu-dachi gyaku-hanmi kizami-zuki. Finish and return to starting position. (step forward)
2. (step back) Jodan oi-zuki/kamae ryu, (step back) yori-ashi nagashi uke, (step forward) yori-ashi gyaku-zuki. Finish and return to starting position.
3. Chudan mae-geri/kamae ryu gedan-barai gyaku-zuki (block and counter at the same time). Finish and return to starting position.  (step forward)
4. Chudan mae-geri/kamae ryu kizami-zuki kamae ryu. (step back) Finish and return to starting position.

1. Examinee: one kata from Group 4:
Tokui kata (Kanku-sho, Chinte, Unsu, Sochin, Nijushiho).
2. Examiner: one kata from Group 3:
Tokui kata (Hangetsu, Enpi, Gankaku, Jion, Bassai-Sho).
3. Examinee: Heian sandan traditional bunkai.

Jiyu kumite:
Three opponents two minutes each with rest between matches.
1. 40 years and older (masters age), jiyu kumite or self-defence.
2. Self-defence from sitting position (chair or seiza) must show ability to sense attack accurately, and use basic techniques with power, speed,
sharpness and ki. Attack degree angles: 0 (right side), 45, 90 (front), 135 180 (left side), 225, 270, 315, 360.
3. Defender shall not move, except at onset of attack. Defender may turn head only to face attacker at 0 degree to 180 degree angles (right to left).
4. At degree angles (back) 225 to 315; attacker shall ki-ai at the onset of the attack. No grabs, etc. Defender shall turn to face attacker upon hearing ki-ai. Defender shall defend by sound.


Kihon: From Kamae ryu



4th Dan

1. (step forward) Kizami-zuki gyaku-zuki (step forward) gyaku-zuki kizami-zuki.  ↵Mawatte
2. (step back) (same)
3. (step forward) Yori-ashi kizami-mae-geri gyaku-zuki (step forward) chudan mae- geri jodan gyaku-zuki. Mawatte
4. (step back) (same)
5. (step forward) Yori-ashi kizami mawashi-geri gyaku-zuki (step forward) mawashi-geri/ oi- zuki. ↵Mawatte
6. (step back) (same)
7. (step forward) Chudan ushiro-geri gyaku-zuki mae-geri gyaku-zuki. ↵Mawatte
8. (step back) (same)
9. (step forward) Yori-ashi jodan uraken-uchi gyaku-zuki (step forward) gyaku-haito-uchi kizami-zuki. ↵Mawatte
10. (step back) (same)
1. Examinee: one kata from Group 5:
 Tokui kata (Gojushiho-dai, Gojushiho-sho, Meikyo, Wankan, Jiin).
2. Examiner: one kata from Group 4:
 Tokui kata (Kanku-sho, Chinte, Unsu, Sochin, Nijushihou).
3. Examinee: Heian yondan traditional bunkai.

Jiyu kumite:
Two simultaneous opponents – two minutes; frontal fighting only.
1. 40 years and older (masters age), jiyu kumite or self defence.
2. Self defence from free stance against a rubber knife. Must show ability to sense attack accurately, and use basic techniques with power, speed, sharpness and ki.
3. Five attacks in order of: face or stomach thrust, downward or upward vertical slash, right or left diagonal slash from top to bottom, right or left diagonal slash from bottom up, and left or right horizontal slash to stomach or face.





 5th Dan

1. Examinee: one kata from Group 4
2. Examinee: complete traditional bunkai for chosen kata.
3. Examiner: one kata from Group 4.
4. Examinee: Heian godan traditional bunkai.

Jiyu kumite:
Two simultaneous opponents – two minutes, or 40 years and older self defence.
1. Self defence from free stance against a rubber club representing a machete. Must show ability to sense attack accurately, and use basic techniques with power, speed, sharpness and ki.
2. Five attacks in order of: face or stomach thrust, downward or upward vertical slash, right or left diagonal slash from top to bottom, right or left diagonal slash from bottom up, and left or right horizontal slash to stomach or face.

Research presentation:
1. Examinee: ten minute presentation of limited research with demonstration.
2. Examiner: questions on presentation.

Kata Groups
Kyu Ranks Shodan Nidan
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Shitei Kata Sentei Kata Tokui Kata
Taikyoku Shodan Heian Shodan Heian Nidan Heian Sandan Heian Yondan Heian Godan Tekki Shodan

Tekki Nidan Tekki Sandan Bassai-Dai Kanku-Dai Jutte

Hangetsu     Enpi    Gankaku       Jion         Bassai-Sho

Sandan Yondan
Group 4 Group 5
Tokui Kata Tokui Kata
Kanku-sho Chinte      Unsu      Sochin Nijushiho

Kyu Examinations:  Examiner chooses from Level 1 by belt progression.

Shodan: Candidate selects one kata from group 2, and Examiner selects                         one kata from group 1.

Nidan: Candidate selects one kata from group 3, and Examiner selects                         one kata from group 2.

Sandan: Candidate selects one kata from group 4, and Examiner selects                         one kata from group 3.

Yondan: Candidate selects one kata from group 5, and Examiner selects                         one kata from group 4.

Godan: Candidate selects one kata from group 4, and Examiner selects                        one kata from group 4.

Rokudan: Candidate selects one kata from group 5 and Examiner selects                           one kata from group 5.

Shichidan: Candidate selects two Tokui kata from group 2 to 5.

Hachidan: Candidate selects two Tokui kata from group 3 to 5



10th Kyu


Red Belt 9th Kyu


Yellow_Belt_A.jpg 8th Kyu


Orange_Belt_A.jpg 7th Kyu


6th Kyu


Blue_Belt_A.jpg 5th Kyu


Purple_Belt_A.jpg 4th Kyu


Brown Brown_Blet_A.jpg 3rd Kyu
Brown Brown_Blet_A.jpg 2nd Kyu
Brown Brown_Blet_A.jpg 1st Kyu
Black Black_Belt_A.jpg 1st Dan
Black Black_Belt_A.jpg 2nd Dan
Black Black_Belt_A.jpg 3rd Dan
Black Black_Belt_A.jpg 4th  Dan



When you complete your training level, you will be able to go for grading. It is your responsibility to attend regularly to your training.

Kyu Gradings are held every 3 to 4 months. In order to qualify for grading, a minimum of 24 (3 Times/week) training sessions must be attended. Good spirit and attitude must be shown and a suitable improvement in the students Karate.

Kyu gradings are cheap and any member over Sandan or with 15 years of training can, after taking the grading examiners test, grade students.

All dan grades are registered in IKD-Headquarters . If you want Karate with an impeccable lineage and a future this is it.
Grading are Following the IKD Syllabus
Basic( techniques)

Kyu Grades
There are ten levels Kyu Grades to Black Belt:

Belt Colour



Time Frame



10th Kyu


1-2 months

Taikyoku Shodan or Heian Shodan


9th Kyu


1-2 months

Taikyoku Shodan or Heian Shodan


8th Kyu


3 months

Heian Shodan


7th Kyu


3 months

Heian Nidan


6th Kyu


6 months

Heian Sandan


5th Kyu


6-8 months

Heian Yondan


4th Kyu


6-8 months

Heian Godan


3rd Kyu


6-12 months

Tekki Shodan


2nd Kyu


6-12 months

Heian Shodan ~ Tekki Shodan


1st Kyu


6-12 months

Heian Shodan ~ Tekki Shodan




1-2 years

Heian Shodan ~ Tekki Shodan



2-3 years

Bassai-Dai, Kanku-Dai, Enpi, Jion




3-4 years

Bassai-Dai, Kanku-Dai, Enpi, Jion, Jitte, Gankaku, Hangetsu




4-5 years

All Shotokan Kata


Training Information

The genius of karate-do is to improve the mind and mental improvement, techniques, body and physical improvement, that everyone would like to achieve, through daily training. In addition, we suggest “lifetime karate” that is customized training programs according to each one’s skill level, objectives and in consideration of gender, age, health condition, and what kind of handicap one has.


Courtesy and manner is emphasized in our teaching method. We provide challenging training methods in a sociable atmosphere that will promote internal growth.

Training is Consisted of:

Kihon (Basics):
is the technique of body movement, punches, kicks, blocks, stances and strikes.

Kata (Form):
Sequences comprised of punches, kicks, blocks, strikes and stances. These get sequentially more difficult.

is working with partners in class to use and learn the applications of the basic techniques in regard to distance and timing, in a controlled environment. All Kumite (sparring) is closely supervised and under supervision by the instructor.

Builds up to free fighting

  • Gohon 5- step sparring
  • Sanbon 3- step Sparring
  • Kihon Ippon 1- step sparring (basic form)
  • Jiyu Ippon semi free sparring (introduction to freestyle sparring)
  • Jiyu Kumite freestyle sparring (most complex and challenging form of fighting)

You must wear compulsory safety equipment, which includes:

  • face mask
  • mouth guard
  • mitts
  • shin/instep protection
  • groin guard
  • breast protector


  • By practicing Karate you will benefit from the following:
  • Improved tone & muscular strength.
  • Operative skills & independence.
  • Higher cardiovascular fitness.
  • Weight loss; physical fitness & agility.
  • Faster reactions; spacial awareness.
  • Greater concentration; co-ordination & balance (especially children)
  • More spacial awareness and confidence in yourself and your abilities (No fear of bullying, especially children).
  • Meet new people and make new friends.

Training Times

Kata Training Mondays
Junior, Intermediate 1 (White-Blue) 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Adult & Intermediate 2 (Purple-Black) 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Basics Training Wednesdays
Junior, Intermediate 1 (White-Blue) 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Adult & Intermediate 2 (Purple-Black) 4:00pm – 5.00pm
Kumite Training Fridays
Junior, Intermediate 1 (White-Blue) 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Adult & Intermediate 2 (Purple-Black) 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Competition Training Saturdays
Intermediate 1 (White-Blue) 9:00am – 10:00am
Intermediate2 / Cadet / Senior 10:00am – 11:00am

For further information about Training Times, please contact or call on:0403 103 076


Kihon (Basics): is the technique of body movement, punches, kicks, blocks, stances and strikes.

Basic Karate Terminology


Rei – Bow
律 礼 Ritsu (Rei) – Form, Etikette (Bow)
(正座 or 正) 礼 Zeiza (Rei) – Sitting (Bow)
正面に 礼 Shomen ni Rei – Bow to the Front
(先生に or 先生へ) 礼 Sensei ni Rei – Bow to Teacher
(オタガニ or お互い) 礼 Otagai ni Rei – Bow to Each Other


ichi One
ni Two
san Three
shi (or yon) Four
go Five
roku Six
shichi (or nana) Seven
hachi Eight
ku (or kyu) Nine
ju (or jyu) Ten

Body Parts & Targets

jodan upper level (usually refers to the head)
chudan middle level (usually refers to the solar plexus)
gedan lower level (usually refers to the groin)
te hand (as in karate, which means ’empty hand’)
ude arm
ashi leg or foot
kubi neck
tekubi wrist (lit. ‘hand neck’)
ashikubi ankle (lit. ‘foot neck’)
hiza knee
hiji elbow
koshi hip(s)

Kihon (Basic Techniques)

shizentai ‘natural’ standing position
heisokudachi feet together and knees usually bent
heikodachi feet apart & parallel
zenkutsudachi front stance
kokutsudachi back stance
kibadachi side stance
tsuki punch
keri kick
uke block
harai (barai) sweep
chokuzuki straight punch
kizamizuki jab
gyakuzuki reverse punch
oizuki lunge (stepping in) punch
maegeri front kick
yokogeri side kick
ushirogeri back kick
mawashigeri roundhouse kick
rising/snapping kick
(often refers to side snap kick)
thrusting kick
(often refers to the side thrust kick)
ashibarai foot/leg sweep
ageuke rising block
sotouke outside block
uchiuke inside block
gedanbarai down (sweeping) block
shutouke knife hand block
uraken(uchi) back fist (strike)
empi(uchi) elbow (strike)
hips straight/facing front
(also the area in the front of the dojo)
hanmi hips to the side (“half face”)
hips twisted to the reverse side
(reverse half face)

Kata (Forms)

Name Kanji Meaning

Taikyoku shodan

(aka Kihon)

太極初段 Great Beginning
Heian shodan 平安初段 Peaceful Mind, One
Heian nidan 平安二段 Peaceful Mind, Two
Heian sandan 平安三段 Peaceful Mind, Three
Heian yondan 平安四段 Peaceful Mind, Four
Heian godan 平安五段 Peaceful Mind, Five
Tekki shodan 鉄騎初段 Iron Horse, One
Bassai dai 披塞大 To Penetrate a Fortress (Major)
Jion 慈恩 Jion is the name of a temple, and also the name of a buddhist saint
Empi 燕飛 Flight of the swallow
Kanku dai 観空大 To Look At the Sky (Major)
Hangetsu 半月 Half-moon
Jitte 十手 Ten hands
Gankaku 岩鶴 Crane on a rock
Tekki nidan 鉄騎二段 Iron Horse, Two
Tekki sandan 鉄騎三段 Iron Horse, Three
Nijushiho 二十四步 Twenty-four Steps
Chinte 珍手 Unusual Hands (Also rare hands or crazy hands)
Sochin 壯鎭 Tranquil Force
Meikyo 明鏡 Bright Mirror
Unsu 雲手 Hands in a Cloud
Bassai sho 披塞小 To Penetrate a Fortress (Minor)
Kanku sho 観空小 To Look at the Sky (Minor)
Wankan 王冠 King’s crown
Gojushiho sho 五十四歩小 Fifty-four Steps (Minor)
Gojushiho dai 五十四歩大 Fifty-four Steps (Major)
Ji’in 慈陰 Love of Truth (Also the name of a buddhist saint)

Kumite (Sparring)

kihon ippon kumite one step sparring
kihon sanbon kumite three step sparring
kihon gohon kumite five step sparring
Jyuu ippon kumite semi free sparring
jyuu kumite free sparring

Other terms frequently used in the dojo

dojo training hall
dojo-kun The creed (motto) of karate, repeated at the end of each class
seiza traditional (formal) sitting position
rei bow
shomen front of the dojo
sensei instructor
sempai senior
kohai junior
osu all purpose martial arts greeting
yoi ready
hajime(ru) begin
yame(ru) stop/finish
mokuso silent meditation
makiwara literally, ‘rolled straw’ the traditional striking board of karate used to increase focus of punches & strikes. The board was covered with a
straw pad at the striking area (usually cotton/canvas nowadays).
kime focus (lit. decisiveness, but more often used to describe physical commitment in the form of timing of muscular contraction)
waza technique
tokui kata test/favorite (lit. specialty) kata
owari the end
Weapon the Karateka

Fore fist

Back Knuckle


Hammer (Strike)

Flat Fist


Index- or one finger stabbing attack

Two finger stabbing attack


One Knuckle -Fist

Middle finger Knuckle

Gaiwan (1)
Arm outside
Haiwan (2)
Back arm
Naiwan (3)
Arm inside

Shuwan (4)
Arm underside
Haito (1)
Ridge-Hand Strike
Haishu (2)
The back of the hand
Nukite (3)
Spear hand

Shuto (4)
(Sword- or Knife) hand

Bear hand

Cockscomb (wrist technique


Wrist Joint

Eagle hand


Bull Strike
(the base of the SHUTO)

Palm Heel





Haisoku/Ashi no ko

Teisoku/Sokutei (1)
Sole of the foot

Kakato (2)


Edge of foot

(the base of the Foot)

Stance in Karate-Do


attention stance
Feet are together and pointed straight forward, bend slightly the Knee
e.g.: in Kata: Heian-Sandan
attention stance
with Feet pointed slightly outward
e.g.: in Ritsu-Rei


a natural stance
Feet positioned about one shoulder width apart, with feet pointed straight forward
e.g.: in Kata: Bassai-Dai

a natural stance
Feet positioned about one shoulder width apart, with feet pointed slightly outward


Forward Stance
a stance which has most of the weight to the front, bend one knee, weight of the knee
Sochin-Dachi or Fudo-Dachi
Immovable Stance
like Zenkutsu-Dachi just bend both knees, weight of both knees
e.g.: in Kata: Sochin


Back Stance
a stance which has most of the weight to the back e.g.: in Kata: Heian-Shodan

a Stance with feet making a L-Shape
like Kokutsu-Dachi, just shorter
e.g.: in Kata: Kanku-Dai


Straddle Stance
Feet positioned about double shoulder width apart, with feet pointed slightly inward, weight even over both knees
e.g.: in Kata: Heian-Sandan

like Kiba-Dachi, just with Feet pointed slightly outward weight even over both knees, and the hips are lower


Half-Moon Stance
Feet positioned about one shoulder width apart, with just bend both knees together
e.g.: in Kata: Hangetsu
Hour-Glass Stance
like Hangetsu-Dachi, but both heel are of one line
e.g.: in Kata: Nijushiho


crossed-leg or feet stance,
left foot behind to the right foot; bend right knee
e.g.: in Kata: Heian-Yondan
Cat stance,
a stance which has most of the weight to the back
e.g.: in Kata: Unsu


Crane or one leg- stance
right foot behind to the left foot
(or knee); bend left knee

Kata (Form): Sequences comprised of punches, kicks, blocks, strikes and stances. These get sequentially more difficult.

Shitei Kata Chosen by the examining committee on gradings. They are the mandatory kata required.
Sentei Kata One Kata is chosen, from 2nd Kyu to Sandan usually from Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Jion or Empi. The list grows for examinations above Sandan, and full knowledge of the katas is mandatory. These are selected by the candidate themselves, and are an essential element, and a prerequisite to successful completion of the exam.
Tokui Kata These are the ‘free choice kata for grades above 2nd Kyu. Chosen by the candidate themselves. Any kata may be selected.
Taikyoku Shodan, Heian - Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan


Tekki Shodan-Sandan




Bassai Dai; Bassai Sho; Empi







Jion;Jitte; Ji’in



Kanku dai; Kanku Sho; Hangetsu



Goju shi ho Dai; Goju shi ho Sho, Meikyo




Chinte;Gankaku; Niju shi ho


Sochin; Unsu; Wankan



Kumite(sparring): is working with partners in class to use and learn the applications of the basic techniques in regard to distance and timing, in a controlled environment. All Kumite (sparring) is closely supervised and under supervision by the instructor.
Builds up to free fighting

  • Gohon 5 step sparring
  • Sanbon 3 step Sparring
  • Kihon Ippon 1 step sparring (basic form)
  • Jiyu Ippon semi free sparring (introduction to freestyle sparring)
  • Jiyu Kumite freestyle sparring (most complex and challenging form of fighting)

You must wear compulsory safety equipment, which includes:

  • face mask
  • mouth guard
  • mitts
  • shin/instep protection
  • groin guard
  • breast protector
Dojo Kun & Niju Kun

 Five Guiding Principles of Karate

Dojo Kun

Hitotsu! Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto!

One! To strive for the perfection of character!

Hitotsu! Makoto no michi o mamoru koto!

One! To defend the paths of truth!

Hitotsu! Doryoku no seishin o yashinau koto!

One! To foster the spirit of effort!

  Hitotsu! Reigi o omonzuru koto!

One! To honor the principles of etiquette!

  Hitotsu! Kekki no yu o imashimuru koto!

One! To guard against impetuous courage!


The Shōtōkan nijū kun (Japanese language: 松濤館二十訓) are the “twenty instructions” of the Okinawan martial arts master Gichin Funakoshi, whose pen name was Shōtō. All students of Shōtōkan karate are encouraged to live, practice, and teach the principles to others. 


  1. ^ Jump up to:a b c Gichin Funakoshi (1938). The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate. ISBN 978-4-7700-2796-2.
  2. ^ Gichin Funakoshi (1975). Karate-do: My Way of Life. ISBN 0-87011-463-8.

The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate

Niju Kun

1. Karate-do begins and ends with bowing.
Hitotsu, karate-dō wa rei ni hajimari rei ni owaru koto o wasuruna

2. There is no first strike in karate.
Hitotsu, karate ni sente nashi

3. Karate stands on the side of justice.
Hitotsu, karate wa, gi no tasuke

4. First know yourself, then know others.
Hitotsu, mazu jiko o shire, shikashite ta o shire

5. Mentality over technique.
Hitotsu, gijutsu yori shinjutsu

6. The heart must be set free.
Hitotsu, kokoro wa hanatan koto o yōsu

7. Calamity springs from carelessness.
Hitotsu, wazawai wa ketai ni shōzu

8.Karate goes beyond the dojo.
Hitotsu, dōjō nomi no karate to omou na

9. Karate is a lifelong pursuit.
Hitotsu, karate no shūgyō wa isshō de aru

10. Apply the way of karate to all things. Therein lies its beauty.
Hitotsu, arayuru mono o karate kaseyo; soko ni myōmi ari

11. Karate is like boiling water; without heat, it returns to its tepid state.
Hitotsu, karate wa yu no gotoshi, taezu netsu o ataezareba moto no mizu ni kaeru

12. Do not think of winning. Think, rather, of not losing.
Hitotsu, katsu kangae wa motsuna; makenu kangae wa hitsuyō

13. Make adjustments according to your opponent.
Hitotsu, teki ni yotte tenka seyo

14. The outcome of a battle depends on how one handles emptiness and fullness (weakness and strength).
Hitotsu, tatakai wa kyojitsu no sōjū ikan ni ari

15. Think of hands and feet as swords (Katana).
Hitotsu, hito no teashi o ken to omoe

16. When you step beyond your own gate, you face a million enemies.
Hitotsu, danshi mon o izureba hyakuman no teki ari

17. Formal stances (Kamae, Base, be ready) are for beginners; later, one stands naturally.
Hitotsu, kamae wa shoshinsha ni ato wa shizentai

18 Perform prescribed sets of techniques (Kata, Form) exactly; actual combat (Hand to hand combat) is another matter.
Hitotsu, kata wa tadashiku, jissen wa betsumono

19. Do not forget the employment of withdrawal of power, the extension or contraction of the body, the swift or leisurely application of technique.
Hitotsu, chikara no kyōjaku, karada no shinshuku, waza no kankyū o wasuruna

20. Be constantly mindful, diligent, and resourceful, in your pursuit of the Way.
Hitotsu, tsune ni shinen kufū seyo

The precepts are not numbered or ordered; each begins with hitotsu meaning “one” or “first” to show that each rule has the same level of importance as the others.

Gichin Funakoshi created both Dojo Kun (Five Principles) and Niju Kun (Twenty Guiding Principles) of Karate.

Technical Degree Reference

IKD-Karate Technical Degrees

– From 10 Kyu to 1 Kyu certificates

– From 1 Dan to 10 Dan masterly certificates

The degrees from 10 Kyu to 5 Dan are given, if one pass technical exam according to IKD test program.

For the degrees 2 Dan and higher there is an age limitation 17 and older.

Between the exams for Kyu degree should pass not least than 3 months of training.

For 1 Dan and higher degrees time limitations are different:

1 Dan not earlier, then in a year, after 1 Kyu degree receiving;

2 Dan not earlier, then in 2 years, after 1 Dan degree receiving;

3 Dan not earlier, then in 3 years, after 2 Dan degree receiving;

4 Dan not earlier, then in 4 years, after 3 Dan degree receiving;

5 Dan not earlier, then in 5 years, after 4 Dan degree receiving.

6-10 Dan degrees are conferred for considerable achievements in karate, technical and methodical improvements, and karate popularization all over the world.

The rights to technical exam conducting for Kyu degree have the members of Technical Directorate of International Karate Daigaku (IKD) (the experts of the international D-category and higher). According to the exam results the Diploma of fixed international standard with the signature of IKD General Director & Chief Instructor of International Karate Daigaku and Examiner is given.

Commission consisting of 3 international degree experts has the right to conduct technical exam for Dan degree. Demands for expert degrees in different Dan degrees are different and determining by International Karate Daigaku Expert Committee. The Diploma of fixed international standard with the signature of International Karate Daigaku President and Examiner are given, according to the exam results.

Conducting of the exam and handing the Dan degree Diploma at the national level is not allowed.

Instructor’s Categories

Instructors receiving the categories D, C, B, A, in accordance with the results of special international exam. Availability of these categories gives the right to conduct instructor activities and seminars at the international level. The categories of instructors are given by International Karate Daigaku Expert Committee.

Demands for exam admittance are as follows:

D-category 3 Dan not less then a year;

C-category 4 Dan not less then a year, the D-category instructor;

B-category 5 Dan not less then a year, the C-category instructor;

A-category 6 Dan not lesst then a year, the B-category instructor

Experts Categories

Instructors receiving the expert’s categories D, C, B, A, in accordance with the results of special international exam. Availability of such categories gives the right to conduct exams for Kyu / Dan technical degrees:

D-category certification right to Kyu degree;

C-category certification right till 1 Dan inclusively;

B-category certification right till 4 Dan inclusively;

A-category certification right till 6 Dan inclusively;

The expert categories are given by International Karate Daigaku Expert Committee. The International Certificate is given.

Demands for exam admittance are as follows:

D-category instructor, not less then a year;

C-category instructor, not less then a year;

B-category instructor, not less then a year;

A-category instructor, not less then a year

Referee Categories

According to the experience of judicial work and results of special exam, referees receiving the following categories:

Regional, national, international D, C, B, A. Availability of these categories gives the judging right of different level competitions.

Regional and national categories are given by the Chairman of Referees Board of International Karate Daigaku Australia. The National Certificate is given.

International categories are given by International Karate Daigaku Expert Committee. The International Certificate is given.

Demands for these categories are as follows:

Regional Category judging experience, not less then a year;

National Category judging experience, not less then 3 years;

International D-category 3 Dan, not less than years

International C-category 4 Dan, D-category, not less then 3 years;

International B-category 5 Dan, C-category, not less then 5 years;

International A-category 6 Dan, B-category, not less then 6 years


Improved tone & muscular strength.
Operative skills & independence.
Higher cardiovascular fitness.
Weight loss; physical fitness & agility.
Faster reactions; spacial awareness.
Greater concentration; co-ordination & balance (especially children)
More spacial awareness and confidence in yourself and your abilities (No fear of bullying, especially children).
Meet new people and make new friends.